Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fibre Optic Cable & Applications

As a UniFi broadband subscriber, you are sure to have wondered about the thin fibres of glass traveling along your premises. These are the favorites of modern telecom companies to bring you to the digital world. Signals travel through them as light. A great many applications prefer them to their copper variants. The following overview will definitely help if you are someone searching for information in the matter.

Fibre Optic Cables Usage
As mentioned above, telecommunication is the field fibre optic cables are widely used today. These are ideal to establish telephone lines. Light-weight and easy to weight, they are able to carry more information than their copper counterparts. Quite naturally, service providers are able to give customers the bandwidth they want using less space than that required in the past. The absence of radiation makes this form of transmission the safest option available. Silica, the important component of these cables is a non-conductor. It eliminates leakage of radiation minimizing the possibility of tapping signals. Following are the other areas where optic fibre is preferred to its metal variant.

Medical science
The potential of optic fibre is truly immense in medical science. In fact, it is ideal to make small needles doctors can insert into lungs, veins and other hollow organs in the body. It is also used in numerous instruments designed to enable the physician to inspect an internal organ without conducting a surgery.

Devices made of optic fibre are great to emit light to hard-to-reach places.

The armed forces of the country too have only words of appreciation for this great innovation. The cables made of optic fibre are stable, offer greater bandwidth and utmost security for the signals transmitted. The great thing is that all this becomes available at an affordable rate. RADAR arrangements and missile launchers are the other applications that hugely benefit from this innovative technology. A small cable, the size of a pencil replaces thousands of miles of copper ones in remote systems.

Drone, or UAV (unmanned Arial Vehicle is sure to be familiar to many. Fibre optics has come to play a great role even here. These small fibre cables have come to replace their copper variants to communicate between its antennae and the control room. Remember, the use of drones is not confined to military use. Scientists have now developed drones that uses LACER and optical fibre cables to fly wherever their owners want them to.

Transportation industry is another area where fibre cables are replacing their copper counterparts. The increasing demand for utmost efficiency has led to the creation of smart highways. The traffic signals, automatic poll booths and many other facilities you may come across here are now powered using fibre optic cables. They also power up electric trains of today.
The information that even Christmas decorations use these cables may surprise you. But, this is the fact. The displays organized in boutiques too utilize the power and efficiency of these cables.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Unifi Packages - Your Options

Unifi, the fiber optic cable service from TM offering Internet, video and phone are hailed to be the best in the country. The packages in the family are easy to use and offer numerous features. Given below is an overview of your options here.

UniFi home packages
TM boasts of more than 700,000 satisfied subscribers for its UniFi packages. Apply to any of the following options if you are someone exploring your options in the field.

VIP 5, 10 and 20
These are the oldest versions available. Here, users are allowed to choose from 5MB, 10MB and 20MB per second Internet speed. The number of channels offered, call rate and other features vary based on the plan you choose. Whatever is your choice, one thing remains unchanged; you are offered free installation of cables up to 45 Feet.

30Mbps Package
This is relatively new; in its experimental stage. It promises higher speed and uninterrupted service. You are offered two options. The first flavor allows you to have Hypp, Aneka, Ruby and Varna channels. Going for this one will cost you just Rm. 210.94 per month. The second one lets you enjoy all the channels from Hypp. However, you need to spend a bit more;  Rm 242.74 per month.

50Mbps Plan
This too is in its developmental stage. The fact is that it has not yet been rolled out. According to TM, this UniFi package is an add-on to the 30MB plan. You just have to spend a bit more to get 50MB per second Internet speed. The absence of clearly outlined plan for its arrival may be a cause of concern for millions of customers. However, the company states to fulfill the promise within a few months.

How the experiment affects existing customers
The 30-50 megabyte plan remains a mystery to customers and the media alike. When enquired about the trouble, the company informs that the subscription is open only in certain areas.

Location holds the key
It is reported that the reason for the company’s reluctance to offer 30 or 50MB to its existing subscribers is a planned trial. This, the firm says is done to ensure high standards of service to its loyal customers. TM also states that when the trial is over, the package will be open for all subscribers. At present, they are available only in certain residential areas.

If you are a new customer, you can enquire about the new plans in the company outlet in your locality.

Upon introduction of the new package, the company will offer an option to upgrade to any of the two new plans to its existing customers. The dues would be waived if the upgradation is done within an existing contract. If yours is a new subscription, you will have to sign a 2-year contract with the firm.
Even with all these prospects, the company remains silent when it comes to a clear-cut deadline for this beautiful promise for its millions of subscribers. The only choice available is to wait and see. Experiences teach that there is no point in doubting.  The firm enjoys a great reputation in the market.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Maxis Fibre Broadband Package: An Overview

Broadband service at affordable rate is something everyone desires. This is exactly what you get if you subscribe to Maxis Fibre. The company offers free installation and voice calls worth RM30 per month with no additional charge than your Internet bill.

Your options in Maxis Fibre
Following are the options the company offers its users.

10Mbps Package
This is recommended for first-time fiber Internet users. 10 megabytes per second speed, free installation, free voice calls worth RM30 and unlimited download are the facilities you receive here. If you are a Max 1 plan user, you are eligible for a 20% discount in your bill.

20Mbps Plan
This is the plan to go for if you want to enjoy fast browsing. It comes up with the same offers as mentioned above with a faster Internet.

30Mbps Plan
A heavy Internet user will definitely go for it. Enjoy videos without buffering along with all the other offers like unlimited download and free voice calls.

Maxis Fibre for business

Maxis Fibre Business is a new venture. The company claims that it has helped up to 11,000 businesses to stay in touch with their clients all the time. From free installation to unlimited download, the offers vary based on the plan you choose. There are four choices here; 4, 8, 16 and 32 megabytes per second Internet speed. The decision to go for Maxis Fibre Business entitles you to one-month free Internet and other attractive discounts.  Contact the company outlet in your locality to explore the possibilities here. Remember, this is a new venture. For this reason, the request for installation may take up to three weeks to get processed.

The 100MBPS plan
It is an ambitious plan from the company to reach out to customers all over the country. The price may appear a bit too high. However, 100MBPS is something none of its competitors offer at present. Go for it if you want to enjoy high speed and uninterrupted service. When combined with the ability to download unlimited, it becomes an all-time favorite of consumers throughout the country. And, if you use Maxis mobile, you are eligible for a small discount. There may be other benefits; contact the company outlet in your area.

Why go for Maxis?
This may come up with the question; why favor Maxis? The answer includes the following benefits.
· High speed internet: The Company feels that no one should settle with less than 10MBPS of Internet speed. For this reason, this remains the entry offer for the company.
· Free modem: The firm offers WIFI modem completely free of charge to its residential subscribers.
· Utmost flexibility: Max lets you relocate with peace of mind. Reinstallation just requires a nominal amount.

Maxis also offers tension-free enjoyment. It imposes no restrictions on your capability to download anything you want. You pay extra only when your voice call exceeds the allowed limit.

Maxis promises affordability and faster Internet. The only trouble is that its coverage remains slightly limited when compared with its competitors. Subscribers are promised a better world with the company’s attempts to collaborate with other major players in the field.