Monday, August 31, 2015

Improving Your Broadband Speed

Telecom companies have greatly increased the Internet speed they offer to its consumers. But, the unfortunate truth is that a majority of customers don’t see this in practice. The reasons are numerous. Your computer may be far away from your nearest telephone exchange. It becomes worse if yours is a copper connection. But, if you know that the cables of your phones are designed to offer faster Internet, you may try the following experiments.

Test the broadband speed

Explore the Internet. You will find a great number of portals designed for the purpose. Click any one of them and start the test. The process may take a few seconds to get completed. Still, the insights you receive will help you understand if the slowness is something you can take care of on your own.

Learn the basic measurements

A better understanding of your broadband performance requires you to have an idea of the basic measurement units like bits and bytes.  Do a research on how download and upload speed are listed on speed test portals. For instance, 1 kilobyte is 1,000 bytes. A negligence here will deprive you of the insights you need to do something to improve your broadband performance.

Be aware of your download limit

When testing your Internet speed, check to see if you have exceeded the download limit allotted to you. Certain service providers simply reduce the speed instead of charging you extra for the same. As a general rule, you should be informed if it happens. It may also happen that your ISP will reduce your Internet speed if you violate its traffic management policy. In such an instance, you will experience slowness only for a few hours, may be during the peak time. Understand that your ISP should notify you before responding to your actions in such a way that you may suffer for them.

Contact your service provider

The advice may sound silly. But, this is the thing you should do first if you experience slowness when browsing the Internet. The customer care personnel would help you understand the trouble. They would even suggest ways to improve it.

Check your browser

Make sure that you are using the latest version of your favorite browser. Doing this will not only ensure utmost safety, but will ensure maximum Internet speed. Check their respective websites and you will be instructed on the steps forward.  Know that certain browsers update themselves on their own when you stay online.

Install BT Broadband

Sometimes, electric interference from the devices in your home too may affect your Internet speed. In such a situation, a small device like BT Broadband will help a lot. It will filter interferences from electronic devices and help you enjoy staying online. Remember, it works well only with ADSL connections. Check the manufacturer website for more information in the matter.

Use short cables

Extension cable is another thing that may affect the performance of your broadband connection. The farther you stay from your telephone, the slower your Internet will be. Buy shorter cables, the ones you can directly connect with your computer.

Remember these tips, your broadband connection will surely improved.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Telcos in Malaysia - Choosing the Best

The attempt to get the best prepaid mobile subscription plan may appear daunting. It asks for a proper understanding of the packages available. You will also have to evaluate your usage pattern before taking the final decision. However, there is one thing consumers generally ignore; telcos. Going for the best is a must if you want to get the most from your hard-earned money. The overview given below will definitely help if you are someone seeking answers in this regard.

The major players
The giants in the industry are Digi, Celcom, Maxis and U Mobile. Among these; two enjoy greater popularity and widest coverage; Celcom and Maxis.

The company is the most reliable in 4G  LTE/3G network, SMS and voice calls. It also enjoys more than 95% coverage in the country. If you are exploring your options in post-paid plans, Celcom is the best. Its entry level plan packs 5GB data usage, 60 minutes of free talk and 60 Free SMSes into one single package. When combined with the optimizer that offers free call facility as you reach the lowest limit, the offer becomes a true temptation. Spend a few more and you get much more. Visit the company website to know more about it.

Maxis may lag behind in coverage. But, it is the best LTE network available in the country. And, the entry-level post-paid plan is ideal for moderate mobile users. The package is aimed at students. At a nominal rate of RM48, you get 100 free calls and 100 SMS and 1GB data usage is sure to tempt a youngster. You can get 2 gigabytes of data here; half for the day and half from 2 A.M. to 7 in the morning.

U Mobile
This too is one among the companies that enjoys a great reputation in the market. Its plans are suited for those who don’t mind 3G or 4G networks. Its unlimited package lets you enjoy relatively high speed at a lower rate. The unlimited call facility is an exciting offer if you are a heavy mobile phone user. The number of free SMSes available may disappoint a bit; it is just 50.

Digi also boasts of a great share in the large subscriber-base in the country. Its Smart78 is a plan ideal for those who want to stay connected all the time. Upgrade to the Nano sim and you get 4GB LTE Internet, unlimited free calls and roaming facilities. It also offers great add-ons designed for use for an entire family.

Prepaid options
Users say that U Mobile is the most reliable when it comes to prepaid plans. A research on the plans the competitors offer too may come up with affordable options. To be honest, there are no hard and fast rules to locate the best data package available in the market.

As mentioned above, getting the best deal is not an easy job. Service providers are coming with offers too difficult to resist for consumers. The only way out is to do your own research. Evaluate your phone usage, time on the Internet and the speed you desire and make a choice accordingly. Whatever is your option, one thing is sure; telcos are sure to challenge you at every step.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

TM, Maxis, Astro - Healthy Competition

TM, as you know is a company that maintains highest standards in the industry. It stands far above its competitors both in customer-base and in the quality of the services offered. This does not mean to say that it is the only player in the field. The companies like Astro and Maxis are determined to go for a fierce competition with TM and UniFi. The following overview throws light on the aspirations of these three giants in the industry.

1. Maxis
Maxis is a giant in the industry that enjoys a huge customer-base all over the country.  It helps consumers to get connected whenever they want. The company offers 95% uninterrupted Internet, excellent-quality voice calls and a wide array of tools to stay in touch. If yours is a large-scale enterprise, Maxis is there with you with its Integrated Solutions. This helps you stay away from distractions and focus on your financial goals. The company also performs its corporate responsibility. The applications and tools are designed in such a way as to make learning a true enjoyment. 

2. TM Malaysia
TM (Telekom Malaysia) too is one among the major players in the field. The company boasts of having millions of customers all over the world. Environment-friendly and subscriber-oriented, their tools and applications are hailed to be the best available in the market. Choose from among the different broadband service packages like UniFi and other such plans the one you feel would work for you.  TM is there to help you even if you want to own a small business. All you need to do is to explore the company website to know more about it and apply online.  Once subscribed, you are sure to feel pleased with the integrated communication solutions the company offers.

3. Astro
A consumer media entertainment company, Astro too is one among the major players in the industry. The firm boasts of a large subscriber base in the entire Southeast Asia. Its focus is in four areas; radio, digital media, pay TV and publications. Reports say that Astro has a 60% penetration in the households of Malaysia. With a view to eliminate the digital gap between people, the company also offers an affordable entry-level package.

The joint venture
The increasing popularity of UniFi, the new broadband service package from TM caused great panic among its competitors. The immediate response of the two important rivals; Maxis and Astro was to start a joint venture. Astro claims to have 300,000,000 customers. It already offers B.yond, an IP TV service and high speed Internet broadband package. Cheaper than the company claims it to be much cheaper than the same offered by its competitors. According to Astro, Malaysia has more than 2,000,000 high-speed broadband-friendly homes. And, a collaboration with Maxis will help Astro make broadband available at affordable rates to millions more. The only concern is the 2-year contract customers are obliged to sign up when applying for TM’s UniFi package. However, Maxis and Astro are of the view that consumers would consider their offer since theirs is more affordable. Competition is something markets appreciate; it improves quality and reliability. And, the economy of the nation will improve at large.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tips to Protect Your UniFi Account

If you are a new UniFi subscriber, you will definitely notice something; the network is not secure enough. This does not have to scare you away from subscribing to this awesome package. Changing the configurations here is quite easy; you just have to refer to your handbook. Remembering the points given below too will help you a lot.

1.      Change the router password
The password TM offers you is not personalized, it is a default one. A search on Google for the same will be enough for anyone to locate it. Read your handbook and do as per the guidelines to change your router password. The same applies even to your user ID. Do not forget to save the settings and add the new network. This is a must because when you change your default user name and password, the network won’t let your computer connect to the Internet.

2.      Check for your second secure account
If you have not noticed yet, your router from TM has a second account. This is designed so that the technician can assist you if you happen to forget your admin password. Make good use of it. Remember, when you make the required changes, you bid farewell to almost all form of external access. Keep your password saved in a safe place.

3.      Don’t settle for the usual way
When TM sends your account-related information as an email, it just gives your password unencrypted. This may not pose much trouble. But, try to avoid, just to stay safe. Changing your password at regular intervals will help you eliminate this risk.

4.      Disable remote management
Explore the Internet. You will find ways to disable all types of remote management on your computer. Entrusting the task with a tech-savvy friend is highly recommended. This will help you avoid unwanted surprises.

5.      Beware of the verify TM account scam
If you have made the changes mentioned above, you stay relatively safe from hackers. But, there is one danger; fishing emails. People have reported receiving emails from scammers asking them to verify their account. The message may ask you to give out your user ID, password and other related information on a particular website. Do not respond to them. The appropriate course of action is to contact TM and verify the source. If you feel that you have given out the information requested without verification, change the user name and password as early as possible.

TM is often criticized for offering a backdoor for hackers. But, you should understand that the design is quite simple. Reconfiguring the same as per your requirement is a breeze. A basic know-how-to will be enough to modify the settings. You can even request a reputed service center to do the job for you.

No company is free from drawbacks. And, TM UniFi package is not an exception. The exciting thing is that the firm offers an easy-to-understand platform. Make it as secure as you want.
If you face any trouble, you can always contact TM customer service center. It remains open 24-7 and is more than happy to help its users. There are also authorized UniFi dealers you can approach for assistance to solve any trouble you may face here.